Saturday 4 August 2012

Scotland finished

So there you have it ladies and gents. That's our Scotland holiday officially over. And what a holiday it was. I've seen plenty of Scotland's scenic beauty and can tick off one of the things I've always wanted to do, climb a mountain. :) My next holiday blog will probably be from Center Parcs in Whinfell in November. So, speak to you all then. :)

Loch Ness / Urquhart Castle

On our last day, we headed to one of the most famous places in Scotland, Loch Ness. We started off in Fort Augustus, doing a little shop browsing. Photos are below.

Then we headed to Urquhart Castle. Photos are below.

And from Urquhart Castle, there were some incredible views of the loch itself. 

And before anyone asks, no I did not see Nessie, though it would have been nice. :)

Kinloch Laggan Beach / Spean Bridge

So Thursday we headed to Kinloch Laggan beach to spend a few hours taking photos are sunbathing in the non existent sun seen as it disappeared into the clouds pretty much as we got there. :( Here are some of the photos we took.

After the beach we headed round to Spean Bridge and took a look in a few of the shops.

Wednesday 1 August 2012


So today we visited the Dalwhinnie distillery. Have to say I was quite impressed at much work actually goes into making whiskey. Unfortunately, we weren't able to take any photos as cameras were prohibited but the tour of the distillery was fun and we got a taster at the end. :) Then we headed to a town called Stirling and went round a few shops. We also saw the Wallace Monument, which being an idiot, I forgot to take a photo of. So here's one I borrowed from Wikipedia. :)

File:Wfm wallace monument.jpg

In the way home we also stopped at Laggan Dam of which I did take some photos. These are below.

Ben Nevis!!!!

Well I'm sorry that this post was so late but I've been recovering from yesterday's activity. So we did it. We climbed Ben Nevis and survived. I have to say it was quite an ordeal, not the easiest thing I've done this year. 1344 metres doesn't sound a lot to climb, but then you've got to remember that that is the height of the mountain, not how far you're travelling. In actual fact, you're travelling about five miles on foot to the top and then five miles back down. We started climbing at about 11:10am and arrived at the summit at around 3:30pm. We then took off down the mountain at around 4pm and finally got to the bottom about 7pm. My legs are killing me right now but it was worth the effort I think and it's one thing I can tick off my list of things to do. :) Photos are below.